Thursday, February 03, 2011

Hattie the Ballerina

Recently got my first job photographing a ballerina. I had a blast. I love working with creative and artistic people and I was sure we'd get some great photos. The only thing I wasn't sure of was that morning I realized I hadn't thought about music. Not that I need music while shooting, but I wasn't sure if she would assume I would play some appropriate dance and ballet music. And I have no dance music.... except for Philip Glass stuff that the famous dancer Twyla Tharp worked on. I was pretty sure she most likely wouldn't be into Philip Glass's music. Of course half way through the shoot we're talking about music and she tells me one of her favorite works is by Philip Glass. Teaches me I shouldn't assume!

Polaroid Type 55 Negative was shot for 1 second at f4 with a Kodak Aero Ektar 178mm on a Graflex Speed Graphic, and using a hand-tripped strobe.

1 comment:

Donnie C said...

On photo "tute-porcelain2" I felt that the attention to highlight on the hand and the subject's focused gaze on it was very effective.